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Friday, February 12, 2010

a suckers traffic jam n secretary.

the ppl in penang is soooo selfish. 2daay leh, traffic jam...... they jz 1 2 go 2 pray. they don think students feeling d. plus they don even think dat our earth is in a bad shape.... they don use car pool d. so selfish. plus, i hate my class secretary cuz she is as hiao as mei hshuan. ppl in my class hate cuz she is sombong, think she is beautiful, iresponsible, rich n a king in my class. i think she is very ugly, heheheheh..... im oways dis bad.... u noe liao... i 1 2 curse her n leave my skul cuz she hurt me once (its means dat stole your heart/angry n sad). dat day got ming ju jing hua spelling ma, den dat day she oso got lisan ma, so she purposely ask teacher 2 change date(the ming ju jing hua). eh? she oso no brain d. never think about sombody feeling d. ppl read until ki siao liao u noe? ppl try 2 get all correct 2 prevent copying 20 times. but, the next day.... i jz got 2 correct cuz teacher say if 1 word wrong nid 2 copy 20 times. boo hoo hoo..... den most all of my teachers(teaching my class d) belives her but my maths teacher don belive her cuz she no do her homwork..... hhehehehehh...... i m sooo hapi if she get scold....

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