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Monday, August 9, 2010

to teachers n students

me oways get scold in skul lo..... all the ppl say me steam.... i steam meh? they all mor steam..... they think i dunno evrything...... u all 2 xiao kan me liao..... im very clever de ok? jz my face look steam nya.... 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量...... ok? u think i dunno evrything ar? u all mor dunno evrything.... ppl noe general knowledge mor than u.... u think i canot do all by myself ar...... n u all very 过分...... u hate ppl ma hate ppl la.... y u 1 2 tel ppl my bad thing le.... very guo fen u noe.... ppl no frens liao den how ar? den ma no nid 2 survive la..... im very gud in this year oredi n i very kesian ppl d..... i oso kesian u all ma.... but ur忘恩负义make me angry.... didnt appreciate my help.... im gud oredi, ok.... i noe how 2 control my temper than las year but mor worse.... u think i dunno how 2 scold ppl ar.... i scold dat time like monster like dat (if u dont believe go ask my primary skul de student) teacher oso no point 2 say student.... we all nid 2 respect each other.... u no respect me but u 1 ur student 2 respect u.... is unfair, right? i go in2 the class dat time n i noe 1 2 get back 2 my seat.... if never talk 2 me or say helo.... im okay wif dat.... if u say unuseful words 2 me...... im going 2 ask headmaster 2 set u off..... dats a rude teacher..... say steam dis word 2 me in front of clas.... teacher hurting students is no gud.... dis wil make the student went 2 hell.... if no ppl.... i can accept dat.... cuz evrybody dunno.... u think i no pay attention in ur class ar..... cuz ur bad words make me very angry n disappointed.... n u ask me 2 change words n i dunno how 2 change.... so i jz stand there quietly.... u oso say me steam..... ppl oso dunno y u no say her? unfair u noe? so my ambition in my skul is evrybody can make best frens n no hating each other........................