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Thursday, December 10, 2009

go 2 eat at young heart restoran

my mum invite all her ol' frens(include violent king's aunt n wei tong's dad). they all xiao liao. laugh here laugh there. luckily is in a room lo, if not shame shame lo. den i tel u ar, the service there is bad bad lo. dunno how 2 write in a paper de. i eat unagi sup noodle wif wei tong. nice lo. den we listen songs n play internet cuz wei tong got bring laptop n there got wi-fi. den we go bac 2 home lo.

so long no write blog liao lo........... but nvm i write it here, ok?

i went 2 shcul 2 take my shcul form(its means go 2 secondary shcul 1 form) . den we go 2 gurney food loft wif violent king's aunt n wei tong. after we ate , all the aunties speaking happily lo den me n wei tong go 2 play ding ding. we played dancing(they all got arrow 1 de la), played drum, played ice hockey(the table smooth smooth de), racing(video games de la) n respon games. walao! we dancing 'jing ran' show-off. kanasai! my driving skills still can get the 1st(racing de game). den we play like about 1 hr like dat. den go home liao.