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Saturday, November 14, 2009

graduation day (bye bye)

graduate is a day 4 std 6 is a very sad day. But ,very weird 1 lo, all of us r very hapi. Mayb som of the schul says we all xiao or crazy liao. When PIBG go 2 eat, we got show 2 watch lo. Im getting nervous. OMG. Mine is in the 2nd 1. Xiao liao. Luckily lo, i play quite gud lo. Phew. Dat tan chong wei bcum a saying wat wat wif wei tong(dunno how 2 say,hihi). Very funi leh. I like dis 1, 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买林冠英. ahahahaha, funi lo. Den say 林冠英 so 帅, vomit lo. Den say wat MJ's couzin's fren's broder's teacher' HalaHala(teh zi wei act). Den the most funi thing, the monkey(tan wei sen act) use a water gun(wif water) shoot chong wei's butt, hahahahaha. Den chong wei scold him wat 臭猴子la n wat wat. The snow white 1 oso very funi lo+ the drama(jinny n yee siew). The most pop 1 is my hate class, 6J, too pop liao. 6H ok la, but the dance too easy liao. 6B 1 leh, erm.....dunno how 2 describe, hehe. The snow white 1 leh, the queen very suei 1 lo, oways OMG. Our quoir is in the last 1 lo. 谢天谢地.

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