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Saturday, November 28, 2009

so mad................

im very mad now cuz after UPSR i shuld got rewards. a week oredi, i jz recieve a handphone, RM3oo somting nya. but is sony de la. yesterday order nya. my father so kian siap (in hokkien), he use the new 1 oredi den 1 2 giv me his old 1. xiao a, all jawi words 1, i 1 meh? den i got no rewards, 4A 3B leh, better than 3A liao lo. my father xiao de, say my mp4 don 1 liao 1 2 buy handphone, actually my mp4 battery got problem la, so canot use lo. den stil say i no use cuz stil very far from 7A. eh, u bullshit a, 4A gud liao lo. den y zi xin (shjing) got 2A nya, u oso giv her rewards? no brain. at night go 2 my frez b'day party is not so hapi, nth 2 play n talk de. his father n mother shuld giv me rewards de ma, but no take la cuz got a lot of ppl. from now on, i nid 2 pray 4 my 1st brother so he canot get 4 to 7A n oly get 0 to 3A. hahahahahhahahaha....... see dat if my parents (my relatives oso) giv him so many rewards, i wil stay wif my frez liao cuz they r unfair 2 me compare 2 my brother. n 1 2 buy a new car la, so no money 2 buy my handphone, shit la.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the day i went 2 a field trip

crystal museum
handmade songket
day 1
very shy n paiseh lo cuz i sleep dat time so funi leh. aiyah! canot sleep at the bus de. bumping how 2 sleep? make my head pain nya. eat breakfast at grik liao den go 2 banting lake. erm.... can say the lake is very nice lo. den we go 2 kota bharu liao. we go 2 eat lunch 1st. wat the heck. the food is so spicy n sour (cuz is thai food, i dunno how 2 eat, hehe) i 1 2 vomit lo. den visit the temples lo. i think about 4 leh. haizz, boring nya. we go 2 batik n songket factory. den go 2 check in. my bus ppl xiao liao. they all say balik hotel ,ohohoh balik hotel (lyrics from balik kampung) n oleh oleh oleh, oleh... oleh huat a (in hokkien n the movie from where got ghost's road got ghost). after dat eat dinner lo. the food ok nya (can say nice oso). den go 2 shopping. after dat, bac 2 hotel n zzz.....
day 2
eat breakfast liao go 2 check out. yanyan say i sleep dat time can pull the curtain (actually she no sleep n cuz the curtain is beside me). actually nid 2 go 2 the bird park but no go. so angry (it is a monsoon season now, den they all say very smelly, so no go lo). shit la, go 2 war museum. even smaller than penang 1. dat 48 (in hokkien) xiao zhang (headmaster) la, no put at schul days de, put at holidays. den go 2 fruit market. apa la, y 1 2 go dat place, so dirty n jz fruits nya, 1 2 call all of us down, A bus ma gud lo. den go 2 terengganu liao. we go 2 the wat mosque display place. xiao de, go in oso nid passport (they giv 1), dis is the 1st time i heard about it). n i tel u a, im not muslim, y i nid 2 go inside n look. den we go 2 the crystal museum. erm.... can say beautiful lo, i heard som1 say they all use crystal make de, dunno real de ma cuz i see outside is like a glass nya. den go 2 kuantan liao. apa la, traffic jam at the road, our dinner is our supper liao la cuz its oredi 10:00 pm liao. den go bac 2 hotel. can say the hotel is TOOOOO....... beautiful liao. den change n den zzz.....
day3 (can say a hapi n angry day)
omg (start at 3:00am 1st) i sleep dat fell from the bed. mayb 2 narrow liao. eat breakfast liao (7:00am) den check out. we go 2 teluk cempedak beach 1st n!!!! finally can go 2 genting liao. reach there liao go 2 check in at 1st world n den go inside n change. eat dinner liao den go 2........bullshit la. so many ppl (nid 2 say xiao zhang again) i spend my RM28 oly play 3 games nya. waste lo. so angry.
day4(can say hapi n sad day)
eat breakfast liao den go 2 outdoor. luckily not so many ppl lo. very qi kek (in hokkien) lo. the cyclone, bumper boat, pirate ship n the flying dragon. walao, so many ppl liao. the last 1.........F1 (can say go-kart) line up so slow 1. oso very nice. teacher say canot play space shot (跳楼机) but kang jun go n play (cuz teacher not there). but so kesian i no play corkscrew n flying coaster. cry.... den check out liao eat lunch. kang jun bian tai de lo say the bian tai words like pi gu xian (in chinese). den go 2 ipoh buy things. nth 2 buy de. den eat dinner liao den go home.
xiao zhang comment
u pukicibai la fuck la u !@#$%^&*())mailto:!@#$%^&*())*&^%$#@@@@!~!@*(+_)(*&^8&&*^(^(*^*%$$%^@#+*& u bullshit la blek blek

Friday, November 20, 2009

sayonara, my frens n schul.

the last day of schul. thx 2 giv me such a wonderful life. 2morrow schul trip liao. those ppl gpt go 1 stil can see u, but no go 1 i nid 2 leave u oredi. cry........ hope b frens 4 ever.

hapi b'day, melody n i get 4a's

i go 2 melody's b'day party. o.o .lay cheah fetch me go den i fetch her go home, fair. walao, i dunno yan's bro got cum leh, shocked nya. bi qi the 1st lo, den me n lay cheah lo. i tought melody's house is double story de. wat the heck. the gate is so small. we eat a lot la, den we play lo. we mostly play ball. very fun n funi leh. by the way, i get 4a's 3b's. yahoo!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

hapi but boring

2day is 许老师 b'day. chit chit n kai sen buy cake. me, vivien n li mei giv present 2 teacher. vivien 1 is 48 (in hokkien) rich lo cuz she bring a silver necklace 2 teacher (actually is her dad sell 1). im the 2nd lo cuz i buy key chain hav weight 1 (mayb is made by silver) cost RM12. li mei 1.... i dunno cuz teacher no open hers. we eat cakes hapily n the favlor is vanila n tiramisu. teacher say n wish dat si botak don 1 cum here but he's oredi here. luckily he no hear lo. he is so kpc. 2day 1 仪式 he very kpc lo. ppl clap hand liao den he says students cum out 2 take prize den oly clap hands. xiao liao eh. we play scrabble until boring lo n yanyan mood suddenly change. haizz...... mayb som1 恶作剧 wif us lo. haizz..... 2morrow results cum out liao, hope god can giv me 5 2 7 A's

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Went to Hard Rock Hotel (my essay)

Last Sunday, I went to Hard Rock Hotel with my family because my aunt came to Penang. She said she will wait us at the pool side. When I stepped inside the hotel, it was very special and beautiful especialy the main entrance because the light had a word called Hard Rock. Then, we went to the pool to meet my aunt. Oh my god!! The pool is gigantic and gorgeous and my aunt said this is the biggest pool compare to all Penang's hotel. I shocked and said, " What the heck !?"
Then, I changed my swimsuit and then jumped into the pool. Wow, the water was cool as ice. But I went to the baby pool, the floor is covered in sand, so I called it 'sandpool'. After that, I played the water slide and it was as fast as a roller coster because the slide was as slippery as an eel. Im the fastest in all of the people and I don't know why. Before that, my brother did not want to swim because we forgot to bring our goggles. Haha. We played until about 7:30 pm because when we reached there, its almost sunset.
When I reached my aunt's room, I saw my nephew, Ian. I have become an aunt now because my cousin had born a baby. After that, we went to eat. My father say me crazy already because I take the photo of the door. Haha. Then, we went home happily.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

graduation day (bye bye)

graduate is a day 4 std 6 is a very sad day. But ,very weird 1 lo, all of us r very hapi. Mayb som of the schul says we all xiao or crazy liao. When PIBG go 2 eat, we got show 2 watch lo. Im getting nervous. OMG. Mine is in the 2nd 1. Xiao liao. Luckily lo, i play quite gud lo. Phew. Dat tan chong wei bcum a saying wat wat wif wei tong(dunno how 2 say,hihi). Very funi leh. I like dis 1, 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买林冠英. ahahahaha, funi lo. Den say 林冠英 so 帅, vomit lo. Den say wat MJ's couzin's fren's broder's teacher' HalaHala(teh zi wei act). Den the most funi thing, the monkey(tan wei sen act) use a water gun(wif water) shoot chong wei's butt, hahahahaha. Den chong wei scold him wat 臭猴子la n wat wat. The snow white 1 oso very funi lo+ the drama(jinny n yee siew). The most pop 1 is my hate class, 6J, too pop liao. 6H ok la, but the dance too easy liao. 6B 1 leh, erm.....dunno how 2 describe, hehe. The snow white 1 leh, the queen very suei 1 lo, oways OMG. Our quoir is in the last 1 lo. 谢天谢地.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

2day very 'suei'

Haizz...practis piano so 'cam' 1 a. 2 like dat liao la. Den stil got wat memory jiang zuo(dunno how 2 write in english, hehe). By the way, dat thingy is gud n fun lo, funi oso. Hehe. Den 1 2 practis piano 4 2morrow graduation la. Mr lee, y u 1 2 choose me, i don 1 la, crycry.... I go 2 hall wif yanyan but 6m 1 2 practice 2. Omg. Mayb teacher too 'suei' liao. I 1 die liao la. I canot practis my songs in a noisy place, i 1 peaceful la. Hmph. Make me angry n waste time nya. Den i 1 2 mute the piano lo. Mor 'cam'. The piano getting worst. Mor angry. Grr... Its all 6m lo. No gud de. Y my shul piano like dat 1. I 1 2 die liao la, crycry................

Monday, November 9, 2009

wat happen ?!

Wei Yan n Vivien r in a bad mood. Dunno y? Yan yan says is all chit chit lo, he is very somting lo. Very naughty lo n so pon. How dare u (2 chit chit)! How can u open sombody's blog without her/his permission? Luckily is vivien. If u mit a girl very 小气 1 le. U noe liao. How can u do my fren like dat, no manners. I hope bi qi n yan yan heart wil shine again lo.

Friday, November 6, 2009


2day got 6h n 5m small foodfair lo. We always end up at the last 1 lo. No gud de. Me, Yanyan n Da ge is very annoying 2day lo. We make teacher angry lo. Finally, can go liao. Yahoo. We buy doughnuts , pen(ink 1), cendol, ice jelly , hotdog......Den go bak 2 class lo.

Thursday, November 5, 2009



2day quarrel wif lim da ge final(no quarrel)

2day no quarrel la. Very peace lo. 2day talk about our kindergarten life there(wif yanyan, zi yan(da ge)n me). Very hapi though. 2day le got wat xiao X n xiao Y 讲座会 la. Dat thingy is very 变态 lo. Got wat like (the boys private part)canot tell. Hihi. Den stil nid 2 sing the 古董 song again(毕业歌). Dat Si Botak lo(no nid 2 say oso noe ho),very 古董 1 leh. So hate him lo.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2day quarrel wif lim da ge part 3

2day very 暴力lo. I quarrel wif lim da ge mor n mor 刺激. Yew Kean le go n campur tangan lo. Kai Sen 2 lo. Mayb....they r teaming up 2 make me angry? If dis case(in class)happen..... I tell u,下次会有好戏看哦!你们这些无关你们的事的只好袖手旁观,不要插手.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

2day quarrel wif lim da ge part 2

2day not so bad lo. Quarrel wif Lim da ge ok lo, but he very somting lo. He always like dat 1 la. Oso 1 2 scold him too...

Monday, November 2, 2009

2day quarrel wif lim da ge part 1

2day Lim Da Ge is very somting lo. He is a very bad guy 2day. Always 错怪别人1. I make lost the strings nya, he 大惊小怪liao. Very bad lo he. I 1 2 learn like M class liao, like they all bully Da Tou. He wil pay 4 dis. I wil scold him in my blog
林子延,你早死啊! 发什么神经!Blek !!!!