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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

wanna cry.....

boo hoo hoo...... som ppl of my class hate me la.... they say me i steam d..... i steam meh? jz a bit nya la..... my face look steam nya cuz i short hair ma.... long hair ma no look steam lo..... den oso talk ppl canot understand d oso say steam.... xiao d.... i hate go 2 secondary cuz if u do a bit wrong nya leh.... ur frez wil say u til xiao.... u don think she or he wil oways bother u de meh..... think im steam? hey gal, beter watch ur dirty mouth la... as a prefect don oways bully ppl la.... u make prefect is 4 ten nya hor? i wil report to discipline teacher lo, say u buli me i 1 u bcum a normal student like me den u canot buli me liao..... in ur mind, think im stupid, but im clever enough n im not steam, k? think properly la..... plus don oways say me bad words in front of me if not im going 2 knock ur fucking head off....... don oways make fun of me cuz im not gud at ppl was joking using me.... if not i wil angry liao..... bai tuo, bcum a prefect atittude beter than a normal students la.... bad de atitude i wil report 2 xiao zhang lo.... hehehe... don think i no kenal xiao zhang b4..... ppl use liquid y u no say them? i use liquid y u say me leh? liquid is not mine d, ok? very unfair ya'noe? im very angry of u..... face look steam but im a good student.... not like u... prefect oso buli ppl d...... now i rili rili hate u liao.... i canot fang guo ni..... i nid 2 report 2 the dicipline teacher..... a poem said(i create d):face look stupid but don look down at him, if u look down at him, u never think wat is he thinking about even u get lots of A's, somtimes they wil win u n u wil learn a lesson! (note:liquid is not 2 bring 2 my skul)

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