2day is 许老师 b'day. chit chit n kai sen buy cake. me, vivien n li mei giv present 2 teacher. vivien 1 is 48 (in hokkien) rich lo cuz she bring a silver necklace 2 teacher (actually is her dad sell 1). im the 2nd lo cuz i buy key chain hav weight 1 (mayb is made by silver) cost RM12. li mei 1.... i dunno cuz teacher no open hers. we eat cakes hapily n the favlor is vanila n tiramisu. teacher say n wish dat si botak don 1 cum here but he's oredi here. luckily he no hear lo. he is so kpc. 2day 1 仪式 he very kpc lo. ppl clap hand liao den he says students cum out 2 take prize den oly clap hands. xiao liao eh. we play scrabble until boring lo n yanyan mood suddenly change. haizz...... mayb som1 恶作剧 wif us lo. haizz..... 2morrow results cum out liao, hope god can giv me 5 2 7 A's