im very mad now cuz after UPSR i shuld got rewards. a week oredi, i jz recieve a handphone, RM3oo somting nya. but is sony de la. yesterday order nya. my father so kian siap (in hokkien), he use the new 1 oredi den 1 2 giv me his old 1. xiao a, all jawi words 1, i 1 meh? den i got no rewards, 4A 3B leh, better than 3A liao lo. my father xiao de, say my mp4 don 1 liao 1 2 buy handphone, actually my mp4 battery got problem la, so canot use lo. den stil say i no use cuz stil very far from 7A. eh, u bullshit a, 4A gud liao lo. den y zi xin (shjing) got 2A nya, u oso giv her rewards? no brain. at night go 2 my frez b'day party is not so hapi, nth 2 play n talk de. his father n mother shuld giv me rewards de ma, but no take la cuz got a lot of ppl. from now on, i nid 2 pray 4 my 1st brother so he canot get 4 to 7A n oly get 0 to 3A. hahahahahhahahaha....... see dat if my parents (my relatives oso) giv him so many rewards, i wil stay wif my frez liao cuz they r unfair 2 me compare 2 my brother. n 1 2 buy a new car la, so no money 2 buy my handphone, shit la.