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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

妖精的尾巴(fairy tail)

妖精很好看哦!!纳兹,哈比,格雷,露西和艾尔莎要攻打暗黑公会的六大将。所以马可罗夫就和几个公会合作,派了几个人。一夜超好笑的。说艾尔莎my honey。Oh my god!!利昂也跟过来也。最后来的是温蒂和夏露露。六魔将则是布莱恩(Brain),利萨(Laser),安洁儿(Angel),热眼(Hot Eye),克布拉(Cobra),深夜(Midnight)。好看死了。所派出的人有蓝色天马,蛇姬之鳞,化猫之家。要看自己去看。

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


最近一直听西野加奈的歌。不懂为什么。。。我好像天天都在唱她的歌。我连她的新歌if也会背了。。。现在听best friend。。。蛮好听一下的。。。我也会背几句了。。。考试是在想东西的时候一直会想她的歌。。。不懂为什么。。。考试了还想歌是不是有点神经。。。我就是一直忘不了她的歌词。。。考试时就disturb我。。。很不好的。。。要怎样忘记啊?考试没事做还写她的歌词。。。我是不是够神经?还有我妈妈讲她很喜欢她的歌。。。lll。。。。

Wednesday, November 3, 2010



Sunday, October 17, 2010



Monday, October 11, 2010



Saturday, October 9, 2010



Monday, September 6, 2010


lol nth 2 do jz watch tv nah~ holiday oways go shopping gud rite? i can jian fei hehehehe

Monday, August 9, 2010

to teachers n students

me oways get scold in skul lo..... all the ppl say me steam.... i steam meh? they all mor steam..... they think i dunno evrything...... u all 2 xiao kan me liao..... im very clever de ok? jz my face look steam nya.... 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量...... ok? u think i dunno evrything ar? u all mor dunno evrything.... ppl noe general knowledge mor than u.... u think i canot do all by myself ar...... n u all very 过分...... u hate ppl ma hate ppl la.... y u 1 2 tel ppl my bad thing le.... very guo fen u noe.... ppl no frens liao den how ar? den ma no nid 2 survive la..... im very gud in this year oredi n i very kesian ppl d..... i oso kesian u all ma.... but ur忘恩负义make me angry.... didnt appreciate my help.... im gud oredi, ok.... i noe how 2 control my temper than las year but mor worse.... u think i dunno how 2 scold ppl ar.... i scold dat time like monster like dat (if u dont believe go ask my primary skul de student) teacher oso no point 2 say student.... we all nid 2 respect each other.... u no respect me but u 1 ur student 2 respect u.... is unfair, right? i go in2 the class dat time n i noe 1 2 get back 2 my seat.... if never talk 2 me or say helo.... im okay wif dat.... if u say unuseful words 2 me...... im going 2 ask headmaster 2 set u off..... dats a rude teacher..... say steam dis word 2 me in front of clas.... teacher hurting students is no gud.... dis wil make the student went 2 hell.... if no ppl.... i can accept dat.... cuz evrybody dunno.... u think i no pay attention in ur class ar..... cuz ur bad words make me very angry n disappointed.... n u ask me 2 change words n i dunno how 2 change.... so i jz stand there quietly.... u oso say me steam..... ppl oso dunno y u no say her? unfair u noe? so my ambition in my skul is evrybody can make best frens n no hating each other........................

Sunday, August 8, 2010

bac from beijing.....

woots!!!! im bac as i went 2 competition of koir... lao d.... ma de lo.... me got a bit xiao xiao lo..... very ma de.... me 1 die lo.... dont 1 2 liv in dis world.... day1 aiyah.... ma sit aeroplane lo... no nid 2 say liao eh..... from penang 2 hong kong den transit plane 2 beijing..... luckili no sit airasia.... if not i very hungry d.... woo.... we sit de aeroplane got tv d..... den stil can listen 2 songs.... any movies songs u oso can choose..... about 6pm.... we reach there.... liao eh.... china oways wat wat the biggest in world... airport oso the biggest in world..... xiao de hor? their bus very special de lo(inside)..... lazy 2 say liao la..... den we go 2 our hotel cal ruyi hotel..... bath liao den..... ka me(hokkien) sleep la.... day2 eat breakfast liao... we go 2 garden.... do u noe wat we r doing there? practise! under the hot sun n in the public! xiao de ho..... i very paiseh lo sing dat time.... but luckili got a few ppl there.... den we all go 2 carrefour buy things.... i almost 4got 2 buy my lip palm... if not..... im dead.... den we went bac 2 hotel.... at night... we go 2 beijing hall 2 watch the koir opening cremony..... den go bac n sleep.... day3 aiyah..... ma competition liao lo..... we practise at the stage very gerli lo.... den we watch som group sing.... i saw the xinjiang (not sinkang skul) got a lot of action lo..... walao..... all of them so geng de.... we all sing very gerli lo..... den we eat lunch liao ma go bac 2 hotel n practise again.... at the hall (competition)..... very miracle.... we sing so gud..... wooo!!!! after dat we go 2 panda house..... but we wear the competition clothes... so we bring clothes n wear in bus... xiao liao.... den no idea..... our make up canot oredi... muz go 2 hotel n clean... we go panda house saw many panda lo.... cute leh.... den i buy ice cream n makan... den we go 2 bird nest(olympic de).... we go juz outside oly..... den go bac hotel n iron clothes n wash face n pack things cuz nid 2 change hotel 2mr..... day4 we take our luggage 2 the bus liao den we go 2 the forbbiden city..... very big lo..... actuali is castle lai d (chinese).... it is talk about Ming n Qing dynasty..... very big ..... 2 hours oly walk finish.... oly 1 castle.... den they all say there got 9999.5 rooms in there.... n their toilet stil got star rating de..... the toilet 4 star de.....xiao hor? den we walk n eat lunch... after dat.... we go 2 tiantan(天坛) garden..... we heard heaven (天堂)..... dat place oso xiao d.... it is bigger than forbbiden city..... nid 2 use 3 forbbiden city.... actuali dat place is 4 the king go 2 pray de..... xiao lo..... den we go 2 watch the shaolin.... they biao yan in the theatre.... den we eat dinner liao ma go 2 the most expensive things in beijing..... den we went bac 2 hotel almost 10pm liao.... day5 we go 2 the great wall of china..... lao eh.... sooooo many ppl.... n den soooo dirty..... hen ma de lo.... but gud la.... exercise.... den we go 2 the bao fu ling pharmacy.... expensive so ma no buy lo.... we go eat lunch liao we go 2 shopping..... n we go bac 2 hotel n rest.... day6 yahoo!!! my bday.... we go 2 pearl house n den go 2 summer palace n den go 2 silk factory..... we eat our lunch liao den..... we go 2 rest cuz we got 交流会.... we eat our dinner liao den we go 2 the hall..... the 司仪 very funi lo...马来西亚 say until 马来丝袜.... we sing very gerli lo.... den we go bac n sleep liao.... day7 morining we go 2 the ending ceremony n nid 2 biao yan again... ma de lo... we oso change clothes in our bus... xiao eh.... den we go 2 shopping again.... den at night we open party.... n go 2 sleep..... day8 xiao lo.... 3 somthing wake up liao.... n go home liao.....

Monday, July 26, 2010

koir competition

woots! my skul got the 1st lo..... dats so tough..... me sing liao 1 2 die lo..... oways practice non stop d.... den evryday stay at skul like xiao lang like dat lo..... i heard wei tong said nien yin got competiton lo..... but i no c her.... aiyah.... our skul sucks d lo..... oways get bronze d..... but i like dey uniform lo.... not like ours.... like the 出殡 1 like dat lo..... in 2ndary de uniform i like the most is chong hua..... like princess like dat.... den chung ling de very smart lo.... butterworth chung ling is like olive color lo..... den union de is like da chang jin dress lo..... nice leh..... 2mr 1 2 go 2 beijing liao...... hope nth happens bad 2 me....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


left 2 right~Natsu, Gray, Erza, Happy, Lucy 2day miao miao hapi cuz i hv watch fairy tail n found their main theme............ soooooo nice!!!!! i even noe how 2 play at piano..... walao d...... las time shugo chara, den bleach, den one piece n now fairy tail..... Natsu Dragneel..... main character....+ his teammate, Happy(a cat), Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet. Walao! Nice lo.... talking about all types of wizard...

Sunday, July 4, 2010


naruto main theme~
Saturday Night Blues~
Annual concert~
Harmonica Quintet~Rag of Rags
Poem speaking(Group)~给土地的话 Jazz Band~MJのThriller
Saturdy Night Blues
Harmornica Orchestra~Naruto Main Theme
Historia de un Amor
Symphony Band~Welcome
Whistle While You Work
Harmonica Quintet~Picnic
Poem speaking(Person)~活着是美丽的
Chinese Orchestra~冬

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

the karate kid~

hehe~ i oredi watch jaden smith n chen long act de the karate kid~ xiao dre n mr han~ funi lo~ xiao si me lo~ but they all oso very ke lian d~ dre's dad oredi died when he was nine~ mr han actuali got a family(his own)~ but years ago they had a big accident~ his daughter n wife died in the accident~ he is oly the survivor~ kesian right~ he said dat xiao dre teach him a lesson cal no give up~ so he teach dre kung fu~ oso go tembok china n learn~ den got 1 shi fu bad hearted d lo~ say dat if ur enemy(in competition)is struggling~ keep attack it~ no sympathy~ bad right?~ i oso 1 2 watch robinhood but no mor liao lo~ hh~~

Sunday, June 20, 2010

hehehe.... like dis pic lo......

9/6hapi day^^

9/6 go 2 wen ping house lo....
she very rich d la....
she got her own room lo....
nice lo....
not like me....
1 2 share wif my bro....
i wish i can stay double story lo...
nice lo wen ping house
her room got radio d
den ar got how 2 draw anime 1 book lo
althogh her com downstairs la
but fun leh
alone in ur room
den very nice lo
hapi hapi

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


2day very cam lo..... kh so difficult.... i think i too zi lian liao la..... these days i thought im very clever lo.... dunno y? maths i can say is sub sub water 1 la(zi lian again==)bcuz got a bit easy.... den geografi i can say oso ok nya la.... me 2 zi lian liao, right? hate it lo.... me oways over confident de.... i oso oways jiao ao de ma.... i don like my character lo... my father la... think he university read master d very jiao ao liao lo.... plus my father oso no manners de.... talking talk so loud.... we all very paiseh 1 lo..... luckily i no like dat la..... if not i 1 zi sha.... but i don 1 2 die lo.... i canot tahan liao la......i wish he like last time lo... zao chu wan gui..... now i don like he no go 2 work liao la.... very noisy liao la..... now even worst.... he buy watwatwat 4 me 2 do.... he say he wil check everyday.... he xiao de.... i 1 die liao la..... pls help me god......

Friday, May 28, 2010

2day holiday.............YEAH..............

hohoho..... 2day wesak lo..... me jing ran so hapi.... xiao de me.... cuz my exam no over yet.... oso xiao lo.... watch one piece me canot stop..... i like it..... i like luffy, zoro n chopper..... som is secret lo.... if i say it out i can hai xiu 1 la^^...... go n find it by urself which 1 i like( i mean one piece de la )hehehehe...... i wish exam over quickly cuz after exam is holiday liao...... homwork..... but after holiday..... my nightmare start liao..... lots of homwork...... i wish i 1 go bac 2 primary skul lo...... altough got a lot of homwork la.... but very easy nya la.... do u noe y? primary skul de student very gud d.... not like 2ndary.... lots of fren oways say u d..... i wish i 1 got kong min pusat secondary skul..... eto....... those who agree d go n comment at my chatter box......

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


first day of exam 2nd term..... there was a miracle in me...... do u noe y? bcuz 2day i exam eng paper 2 summary i do b4 liao.... hehehehe..... it is all same....... 奇跡ね....... n eng paper 2 oso make me xiao cuz the essay i write 3 pgs half......... i think dis is my luck...... so i nid 2 thx god...... thx god... i think u 1 me 2 take A right? so i 1 2 ありがと 4 u.... 感谢亲爱的天神。。。。给我祝福和鼓励。。。。所以我必须感谢你。。。。天天祈祷。。。。感谢亲爱的地神。。。。把恶魔除掉。。。。为我快乐的长大。。。。我谢谢你。。。。感谢亲爱的菩萨们每天帮我喷水。。。。感谢亲爱的神佛。。。。天天看着我。。。。x3 (theme from 感谢) i think oly from sjkc kong min pusat oly can sing lo......

Saturday, May 22, 2010

ええええええいいいいいい!!!!!何これ!?出も。。。。私の影消えた。。。。。私。。。。私。。。。私。。。。ごめなさい。。。。 ほおおおおお。。。。可愛ですね。。。。有賀とございますね。。。。私。。。。私。。。。 す似ません?どこのときおですか?けこです。。。。。。。。。どま。

Thursday, May 20, 2010

about my character

i wish i could b an anime character lo..... but i 2 fat liao la... im a ppl hu oway 4got things d... hehehe.... gomeneh..... n i do things oso oways make careles mistake d.... duno y? is it my father last time like dat leh? n im very OVER confident.... so dat ppl say me im very jiao ao..... dis is oso my mistake, so i hope all of u can understand me..... wat r u doing human? im havin my mocktail snack, n i 1 u 2 shut up. plus, i hate ppl hu is very 10, a very mysterious character, a very baby-like character, oways disturb me de character. my fav type of character is a cool character, got watch anime d(same like me) n nice 2 talk wif me de character....... yellow!!!!!!!!! im sayin black no nid 2 'take care' of me cuz i noe everythingy pls. pls, pls, pls.... i hate it, do u noe y? u don think it is very annoying, isn't it? oways say dis say dat, i canot study ya noe? so.... mai kuan kuan ok.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

faded day....

2day we all got seni class..... i no bring cup 2 seni everyday cuz i got learn art... my art class no nid bring cup n cloth d.... so i ma bo bring lo....when i 1 2 use water dat time.... i nid 2 borrow from frez d ma.... den my hatred frez(sit near me d) got the water ma.... den sit beside me d(sit in front of her) oso no bring ma... so he borrow from her lo..... den i borrow from her dat time leh... she said.... wei, u 1 2 use dat time ask the cup owner 1st la.... i said..... den dis cup owner is who 1 ar? my bac de la.... sit bac of me d (got a bit hate me)....nex class d... yalo nex class d.... eh... is isnt funny....k? a no use prefect is no gud 4 me..... y sit bside of me de no nid ask the cup owner den y he can use leh? y i nid 2 ask? i wanna kil u..... i beh tahan liao.... don make unfair with me.... if not i make unfair with u.... is...... report 2 discipline teacher...... don guai me cuz dis is u zao cheng de.... not me, k? i wanna think a problem how 2 make u 2 respect me(not the respect)...... but i jz oly think 1 oly.... clever right? dis time exam im gonna win u bullshit....i better keep my blog from her 1st.... my 1st mu biao....... START!!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

wanna cry.....

boo hoo hoo...... som ppl of my class hate me la.... they say me i steam d..... i steam meh? jz a bit nya la..... my face look steam nya cuz i short hair ma.... long hair ma no look steam lo..... den oso talk ppl canot understand d oso say steam.... xiao d.... i hate go 2 secondary cuz if u do a bit wrong nya leh.... ur frez wil say u til xiao.... u don think she or he wil oways bother u de meh..... think im steam? hey gal, beter watch ur dirty mouth la... as a prefect don oways bully ppl la.... u make prefect is 4 ten nya hor? i wil report to discipline teacher lo, say u buli me i 1 u bcum a normal student like me den u canot buli me liao..... in ur mind, think im stupid, but im clever enough n im not steam, k? think properly la..... plus don oways say me bad words in front of me if not im going 2 knock ur fucking head off....... don oways make fun of me cuz im not gud at ppl was joking using me.... if not i wil angry liao..... bai tuo, bcum a prefect atittude beter than a normal students la.... bad de atitude i wil report 2 xiao zhang lo.... hehehe... don think i no kenal xiao zhang b4..... ppl use liquid y u no say them? i use liquid y u say me leh? liquid is not mine d, ok? very unfair ya'noe? im very angry of u..... face look steam but im a good student.... not like u... prefect oso buli ppl d...... now i rili rili hate u liao.... i canot fang guo ni..... i nid 2 report 2 the dicipline teacher..... a poem said(i create d):face look stupid but don look down at him, if u look down at him, u never think wat is he thinking about even u get lots of A's, somtimes they wil win u n u wil learn a lesson! (note:liquid is not 2 bring 2 my skul)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2 new songs i add.....

add 2 songs oredi lo.... n so long no open my blog liao lo.... phew..... exam finally over.... the lowest mark in my exam is 71 leh(plus kerja kursus liao la) whoa.... i am so surprised..... i stil can get so many marks in skul exam.... hey hey... don say dis liao.... i add the new songs very hapi lo... one is one piece d n one is TVXQ d... hate youtube.... jz 3 minute song nid 2 wait so long.... hate it... n say reali.... i reali like one piece liao lo.... dat luffy is so kawaii(cute).... especialli he smile dat time..... n his whole name is.... watch carefully.... Monkey. D. Luffy.... funny right? i reali like his name lo.... so cute... his dream is bcum a pirate 2 get one piece....

Friday, March 5, 2010

bout' my frens in my class...

i like my frens in skul... coorperate... caring... n joking... although my class like a monkey like dat... but is rili fun lo... but som1 i hate is my........ Aggie Cheah.... do u noe y? she is selfish, think she is clever...... dat stupid brat is rili hatred 2 me.... not jz me hate her.... is about ALL my class.... my class is an animal class lo... most of my class got nickname d.... one is black pepper chicken or chicken, one is bear bear or bear bear rojak or teddy bear or barbie doll n 1 is steamboy... u noe wat... dat bear bear is a boy... hahahahaXD.... yay!!! my secretary change liao lo.... change 2 my kindy fren... i like her very much lo(not dat love la).... i m so hapi....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

a shit skul

wat the hell is dis? so many homwok? i 1 2 do til xiao liao.... plus i got a lot of work 2 do.... play piano la... read books la... study la... search information la... write my blog la... a lot la... plus... i 1 2 exam skul n piano theory liao... after skul exam is piano exam liao.... very busy these days..... but leh... i like my skul holidays cuz skul holidays got no homwok 2 do except tuition homwok.... tuition sucks....... i oso hate tuition..... many homwok do d..... i don 1 go 2 tuition liao..... i 1 quickly go 2 college n study....heheheh.... read college no nid tuition 1 ma cuz college skul fees cost 1000 liao leh..... so don waste money 2 go 2 tuition lo..... heheheh..... i rili don 1 2 go 2 skul la.... skul makes me headache.... hate it hate it hate it..... i oways 1 2 b at hom or go shopping..... hmm.... traveling oso can la..... but don 1 giv me boring days..... i oso hate it..... but stil.... i 1 2 go bac 2 primary skul..... miss my ol frens n teachers..... i don 1 go 2 skul lo cuz canot bring handphone 2 skul de.... plus canot put color on hair..... haizz..... wat did the government think.... they don think pupil feelings de.... u see... other country such as japan, germany, france, taiwan n etc. they all can bring handphone 2 skul de leh plus their skul got aircorn d... not like ours canot bring dis canot do dat plus our skul go no aircorn d.... we canot attend the class la.... den oways stay at skul d.... like a bird in a cage lo.....not like som other country.... although malaysia is a gud place cuz got no earthquake, tsunami, tornado, storm..... but...... VERY HOT.... now very very hot lo.... morning is oredi hot liao.... i 1 2 go 4 season country cuz they all got sumer holidays.... heheheh.... 3 mths... alrighty.... don 1 write liao.... 88...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bleach characters

Kurosaki Ichigo(his nickname called strawberry) Age:15 Birthday:July 15th Species:human, deputy soul reapers, vizored Zanpakuto:Zangetsu(Ichigo always call him old man) Zanpakuto character:a long haired man, wear spectacles(got style specs), wear a black robe Bankai:Tensa Zangetsu Kuchiki Rukia Age:about 150 years old(in the real world is about 15 years old) Birthday:January 14th Species:soul reapers Likes:rabbits Zanpakuto:Sode no shirayuki Zanpakuto character:a silver-long haired girl, wear a yukionna-like dress, a faired skin Bankai:unknown Inoue Orihime Age:15 Birthday:September 3rd Species:human Likes:Kurosaki Ichigo Weapon:Shun Shun Rikka Weapon's character:defense(Santen Kesshun):Baigon, Hinagiku, Lily attack(Koten Zanshun):Tsubaki heal(Soten Kisshun):Shun'ou, Ayame Yasutora Sado(nicknames:Chad) Age:15 Birthday:April 7th Species:human Weapon:Brazo Derecha de Gigante Brazo Izquierda del Diablo Weapon's character:unknown Ishida Uryuu Age:15 Birthday:November 6th Species:human, Quincy Weapon:Kojaku Ginrei Kojaku Weapon's character:unknown Abarai Renji(nickname:Aka pine(in english: Red pineapple) Age:unknown Birthday:August 31st Species:soul reaper Zanpakuto:Zabimaru Zanpakuto character:a large big breast woman and a snake kid Bankai:Hihio Zabimaru Kuchiki Byakuya Age:unknown Birthday:January 31st Species:soul reaper Likes:eat spicy food walk in night Zanpakuto:Senbonzakura Zanpakuto character:a long pony-tailed hair, dress like a warrior Bankai:Senbozakura Kageyoshi Hitsugaya Toshiro(nicknames:Shiro-chan, Whitey-chan) Age:about 110 years old(in the real world is about 13 years old) Birthday:December 20th Species:soul reaper Zanpakuto:Hyorinmaru Zanpakuto character:a long-green haired man, an 'x' blue scar on his face Bankai:Daiguren Hyorinmaru

1 2 go 2 skul liao.........

haizz......... oways 1 2 go 2 skul d......... i wish every day holiday lo... no nid 2 go 2 skul.... n i wish i 1 2 read in 4 seasons country cuz summer holidays 3 mths..... eh, 3 mths leh plus winter holidays leh? but somtimes winter go skul lo.... but ok ma.... no nid 2 go 2 skul ma.... eh, 3 mths leh.... at malaysia oways summer y holidays oly about 2 mths nya(i mean plus all the holidays)... n anoder mth is 1 week den 1 week den 1 week.......... no gud d.... i wanna kill the prime minister n control all malaysia..... heheheh..... i wish i exam SPM dis year lo..... den after exam liao leh..... heheheh.... i better find a gud work n earn som money n den i can spend happily..... whoa, so waste.... after SPM result cum out liao...... u noe wat my feeling is? is hapi..... den i go 2 college liao n den i can fulfiil my dreams.... my dream is going 2 japan cuz i can see their kimono dress, sakura, festivals........ heheheheh...... a gud dream right? i rili wanna see their sakura especially their seasons...... besides dat..... i can go 2 cosplay...... my fav dream....... actually malaysia go d... at kl...... so far....i don 1 2 go la..... i 1 2 go 2 tokyo n play cosplay..... n den i wil choose my fav anime...... hmm..... i think i choose rozen maiden de 'shinku'..... although my fav anime is bleach but i think bleach de costume all the same d...... so ma don 1 lo..... heheheh..... i rili like shinku lo...... cute n beautiful..... so i rili wish i don 1 2 go 2 skul lo..... i 1 4EVER HOLIDAYS.............

Saturday, February 13, 2010

angry cny, the tiger has born....

lunar calendar day 1...... the tiger is finally born......but u noe tiger looks angry..... same as me..... but tiger angry can say is hapi but mine is reali angry..... dat little brat(again...==) is sucks..... yesterday eat diner dat time.... my mum pour sup cuz the sup 1 2 finish liao.... den she accidentally pour the sup 2 me ma..... i ma feel pain lo..... den he see liao ar, laugh me lo..... xiao de....... he dunno about wat is manner de.... i 1 2 scold him d but sooooo many ppl in front of me.... u noe liao.... xiao bu ren ze luan da mou..... xian qin....lun yu...wei ling gong......ming ju jing hua 1 lo..... confucius de stu write d.... so ma no scold lo..... den 2day i take bath liao ma change clothes lo..... after dat, i 1 2 play comp ma.... den.... i saw he take the potato chips..... den i say i 1 2 eat.... he don even giv me..... ma cibai de he..... yesterday eat never call me de.... den he say i don 1 2 giv u eat.... den i snatch lo..... he snatch wif me as well..... den my mum appear liao... she say giv me eat cuz i no eat yet plus he yesterday oso eat liao..... heheheh..... my mum somtimes like dat d...... 2day i win liao.... dat fucker lose.... den 2day go 2 lone pine tong hai eat...... heheheh... my greatgrandma de son sit his place..... he is soooo angry....i m sooo hapi...... mayb dis is his bao ying..... he deserves wat he did in the past..... his exam sooo bad liao oso 1 2 play...... xiao de..... hehehe.... 2day i 1 2 giv him mian zi..... so i scold him lo cuz he naughty.... jz like my secretary.... oways 1 2 be a king..... aiaiaiai..... 2day new year..... don say dis..... my cozin cum lo.... yeah yeah.... i no nid 2 quarrrel wif dat brat..... damn 4 him..... heheheh......

the reunion, the day of the families gathering

reunion dinner is chinese new year eve b4 cny. means dat we wil hav a gathering 1st n hav our manner dinner. but my family is special, eat dat time can play games d..... heheheh...... every cny eve we always eat steamboat...... den at 9 o clock leh.... i 1 2 take my bath cuz they all say the 1st day of cny canot wash hair cuz can minus ur angpow money...... heheheh..... 2morow cny.... i can meet my cozin...... n i oso wish all of u wil hav a hapi day........ happy CNY......

Friday, February 12, 2010

a suckers traffic jam n secretary.

the ppl in penang is soooo selfish. 2daay leh, traffic jam...... they jz 1 2 go 2 pray. they don think students feeling d. plus they don even think dat our earth is in a bad shape.... they don use car pool d. so selfish. plus, i hate my class secretary cuz she is as hiao as mei hshuan. ppl in my class hate cuz she is sombong, think she is beautiful, iresponsible, rich n a king in my class. i think she is very ugly, heheheheh..... im oways dis bad.... u noe liao... i 1 2 curse her n leave my skul cuz she hurt me once (its means dat stole your heart/angry n sad). dat day got ming ju jing hua spelling ma, den dat day she oso got lisan ma, so she purposely ask teacher 2 change date(the ming ju jing hua). eh? she oso no brain d. never think about sombody feeling d. ppl read until ki siao liao u noe? ppl try 2 get all correct 2 prevent copying 20 times. but, the next day.... i jz got 2 correct cuz teacher say if 1 word wrong nid 2 copy 20 times. boo hoo hoo..... den most all of my teachers(teaching my class d) belives her but my maths teacher don belive her cuz she no do her homwork..... hhehehehehh...... i m sooo hapi if she get scold....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

bleach(soul reapers) kidou spells

破道 以攻击破坏为目的的鬼道 破道之一:冲 咏唱:不明 效果:从指尖放出微弱的冲击。 使用者:朽木白哉、虎彻勇音 备注:朽木白哉用以击碎朽木露琪亚身上的冰。 破道之四:白雷 咏唱:不明 效果:从指尖放出一道雷。 使用者:朽木白哉、朽木露琪亚、松本乱菊、桧佐木修兵。 破道之十一:缀雷电 咏唱:不明 效果:沿着物质,放出电击。 使用者:桧佐木修兵 备注:桧佐木修兵配合风死铁链把电流传向犽翁。 破道之十二:伏火 咏唱:不明 效果:用来作为爆破用陷阱的线状鬼道 使用者:雏森桃 备注:雏森桃配合赤火炮混合并织成网状使用增加破坏力。 破道之三十一:赤火炮 咏唱:君临者啊!血肉的面具,万象‧振翅高飞‧冠上人类之名的东西啊!灼热与争端,海上的汹涌波涛往南方前进吧! 效果:向对手放出火块 使用者:阿散井恋次、朽木露琪亚、雏森桃、吉良井鶴、日番谷冬狮郎、松本乱菊、虎彻勇音、绫濑川弓亲、四枫院夜一 备注:只要调节威力的话也可用来照明。动画版中作为真央灵术院演习采用的中级鬼道。 破道之三十三:苍火坠 咏唱:君临者啊!血肉的面具,万象‧振翅高飞‧冠上人类之名的东西啊!真理与节制,仅以爪立于不知罪的梦壁上! 效果:对对手施加爆炎 使用者:朽木白哉、朽木露琪亚 破道之五十四:废炎 咏唱:不明 效果:放出盘状的火焰烧尽对手 使用者:东仙要 破道之五十八:阗岚 咏唱:不明 效果:放出龙卷风袭击对手 使用者:吉良井鶴、四枫院夜一 破道之六十三:雷吼炮 咏唱:散布各处的兽骨!尖塔‧红晶‧钢铁的车轮。动者是风,静者为天。长枪互击的声音响彻虚城! 效果:放出带有雷的爆炮 使用者:志波空鹤、浮竹十四郎 破道之七十三:双莲苍火坠 咏唱:君临者啊!血肉的面具,万象‧振翅‧冠上人之名者啊!在苍火之壁上刻下双莲,在遥远苍穹间静待大火之渊! 效果:双倍的苍火坠 使用者:朽木露琪亚 备注:漫画时和雷吼炮一样是破道之六十三,不过在动画中被改正为破道之七十三。 破道之八十八:飞龙击贼震天雷炮 咏唱:不明 效果:射出一条极大的雷光束,是雷吼炮的加强版 使用者:握菱铁斋 备注:被蓝染以舍弃咏唱的断空轻易完全防御。 破道之九十:黑棺 咏唱:不明 效果:出现一个黑色的箱子将敌人关入,后有很多把刺斩伤对手。 使用者:蓝染惣右介 备注:蓝染使出的黑棺,因为舍弃咏唱使威力只有本来的三分之一,但仍有一击打倒狛村左阵的威力。 破道之?:金刚爆 咏唱:不明 效果:将一个大型红色火球击向对手。 使用者:朽木响河 备注:动画追加,被朽木白哉以苍火坠抵销。 破道之?:牙气烈光 咏唱:不明 效果:以分散的绿色光束射向对手。 使用者:朽木响河 备注:动画追加。 破道之?:冰牙征岚 咏唱:不明 效果:以极大型的冰块冲向对手而令对手结冰。 使用者:朽木响河 备注:动画追加。朽木白哉施以断空不能完全防御,后以千本樱冲开冰封。 [编辑] 缚道 以绑缚禁锢为目的的鬼道 缚道之一:塞 咏唱:不明 效果:将对手双手束缚在后,限制其行动的初级鬼道。 使用者:朽木露琪亚 (动画增加:阿散井恋次) 缚道之四:灰绳 咏唱:不明 效果:以灵力制作光索,捕捉对手。 使用者:朽木露琪亚 (动画增加:阿散井恋次、绫濑川弓亲) 缚道之八:斥 咏唱:不明 效果:从掌背释出排斥敌人的灵力护盾。 使用者:浮竹十四郎 缚道之九:击 咏唱:“自我毁灭吧,隆塔尼亚的黑犬!值得一读,彻底烧尽·自己将喉咙割断吧!缚道之九‘击’” 效果:以光构成的绳索封住对手行动。 使用者:朽木露琪亚(动画增加:雏森桃) 缚道之二十一:赤烟遁 咏唱:不明 效果:双掌击地,产生巨大烟幕借此逃走。 使用者:大前田希千代 缚道之二十六:曲光 咏唱:不明 效果:可以覆盖在鬼道上令鬼道变得无法肉眼辨识。 使用者:雏森桃 缚道之三十:嘴突三闪 咏唱:不明 效果:以三道光封住对手行动。 使用者:碎蜂 (动画增加:四枫院夜一) 缚道之三十七:吊星 咏唱:不明 效果:以灵力制作吊网,接住对方。 使用者:雏森桃、吉良井鶴 缚道之三十九:圆闸扇 咏唱:不明 效果:椭圆形的防御用鬼道。 使用者:吉良井鶴 (动画增加:雏森桃) 缚道之五十八:掴趾追雀 咏唱:“南之心脏、北之瞳孔、西之指尖、东之脚跟,随风而聚集,驱雨而散去!缚道之五十八‘掴趾追雀’” 效果:感受对方的灵压,追踪目标的所在位置。 使用者:虎彻勇音 (动画增加:松本乱菊) 缚道之六十一:六杖光牢 咏唱:“雷鸣的马车、纺车的缝隙、此物有光群集并一分为六!缚道之六十一‘六杖光牢’” 效果:以六道光片锁住对手的行动。 使用者:朽木白哉、朽木露琪亚 缚道之六十二:百步栏干 咏唱:不明 效果:以疾驶的光棒捉住对方。 使用者:桧佐木修兵(剧场版‘The DiamondDust Rebellion もう一つの冰轮丸’中使用的鬼道,之后在漫画里也有使用。) 缚道之六十三:锁条锁缚 咏唱:不明 效果:用锁链困住对手。 使用者:有昭田钵玄、日番谷冬狮郎(剧场版3和TV原创部分动画增加)(动画增加:吉良井鶴) 缚道七十三:倒山晶 咏唱:不明 效果:以灵力制造出倒四角锥型的医疗间。 使用者:吉良井鶴 缚道七十五:五柱铁贯 咏唱:“铁砂之壁、僧形之塔、灼铁荧荧,湛然而终至无声!缚道七十五‘五柱铁贯’” 效果:以五角柱封对手的五体。 使用者:有昭田钵玄 缚道之七十七:天挺空罗 咏唱:“黑白之网!二十二个桥梁,六十六个冠带,足迹·远雷·尖峰·回地·夜伏·云海·苍蓝序列·充满太圆,直奔天上!缚道之七十七‘天挺空罗’” 效果:张开灵压作网状搜索,对周围对象的位置传达讯息。对象外的人也能感受到灵压的震动,但不能窃听。 使用者:虎彻勇音、东仙要 缚道之八十一:断空 咏唱:不明 效果:防御用的上级鬼道。可以完美防御破道之八十九以下的攻击。 使用者:朽木白哉、蓝染惣右介 缚道之九十九第一号:禁 咏唱:不明 效果:用皮带和钉拘束对手的双臂。 使用者:握菱铁斋、有昭田钵玄 缚道之九十九第二号:卍禁 初曲“止绷” 咏唱:不明 效果:巨大的布缠上对手,使其停止运动。 使用者:握菱铁斋 贰曲“百连闩” 咏唱:不明 效果:数十个铁扦子扎上对手,使其完全固定。 使用者:握菱铁斋 终曲“卍禁太封” 咏唱:不明 效果:有卍字的巨大的碑石从天而降,将对手压毁。 使用者:握菱铁斋 [编辑] 咏唱的毁弃与后述咏唱 舍弃咏唱即是不用经过言灵程序就能使出鬼道,在战斗时机上有更好的发挥。不过会因应个人鬼道素质和鬼道的难度减弱一定鬼道的威力。 后述咏唱就是专门施在以舍弃咏唱方式的鬼道上,加强舍弃咏唱后的鬼道威力。 [编辑] 其他 白伏( hakufuku ) 咏唱:不明 效果:破道与缚道的组合,使在混浊光里的对手的意识一时间陷为昏睡状态。 雏森桃逃狱时使用。 使用者:雏森桃 镜门 咏唱:不明 效果:能将一切外部攻击反弹回去的高等结界,不过很容易从内部破坏。 使用者:日番谷冬狮郎 反鬼相杀 效果:利用和对手同质同量的鬼道将对手的鬼道摧毁,然后消灭。 使用者:四枫院夜一、浦原喜助 空间转移及时间停止 咏唱:不明 效果:因为会干扰到尸魂界的时间顺序,所以被列为禁术,在时间停止的时间内将目标传送到目的地。 使用者︰握菱铁斋 八爻双崖 咏唱:不明 效果:有昭田钵玄自创的鬼道,伪装形的高等结界,一般人会下意识躲开,亦可防止外部来的灵压侦察。外部看来只是一栋普通的房子,其实里面是假面军势的秘密基地。 使用者︰有昭田钵玄 双重咏唱 咏唱:以特定的规则将两个鬼道的咏言叠加组合。 效果:连续发出两个鬼道。 使用者:朽木露琪亚 四兽塞门 咏唱:“军相八寸,断无退却之理。青之闩、白之闩、黑之闩、红之闩,相互咬合后没入海中。” 效果:由“龙尾的城门”、“虎咬的城门”、“龟铠的城门”和“凤翼的城门”组合而成的巨大四方结界。相信是有昭田钵玄自创的鬼道。结界的强度足以把“雀蜂雷公鞭”的爆风封住。 使用者︰有昭田钵玄 龙尾的城门 咏唱:不明 四兽塞门组成的一部分。 效果:从手中丢出多条灵力方柱,方柱巨大化后组成盾状城门,封住敌人的进路。 使用者︰有昭田钵玄 虎咬的城门 咏唱:不明 四兽塞门组成的一部分。 效果:撕裂空间出现,状如车轮的齿状闸门。封住敌人的左方,组成“四兽塞门”后仍可打开的闸门。 使用者︰有昭田钵玄 龟铠的城门 咏唱:不明 四兽塞门组成的一部分。 效果:由大量六角形结晶状的灵力小盾组成的巨大的六角形闸门。封住敌人的右方。 使用者︰有昭田钵玄 凤翼的城门 咏唱:不明 四兽塞门组成的一部分。 效果:巨大刀刃连着大量长条灵力闸闩,宛如巨大双翼封住敌人的后方。组成“四兽塞门”后化成油纸伞状封锁上方。 使用者︰有昭田钵玄

Monday, February 8, 2010

fuckers, fuckers, everywhere......

dat little brat is sooo somting....... nearly 1 2 heart attack lo....... xiao de..... yesterday go tesco 2 shop oso 1 2 noisy....... my mum drive wrong way liao ma....... de he 'gua gua jiao' cuz i accidentally knock at him..... he oso ma....... sleeping knock ppl d....... he stil 'diao yu' leh..... he ma de....... like a big stupid suckers fucker boss....... his homwork no do finish oso 1 2 play comp. xiao de. he is reaaaaaaaali fucks. shit n god damn 4 me. den yesterday decorate te house ma, i put 1 decoration n put at the door ma...... he leh...... so 'gu dong' 1...... now wat time oredi...... now is a fashion time oredi lo.... stil like a orang asli...... he put the door 1 n put 2gether..... no use de..... n my dream 2 bcum a designer has vanish in my mind...... i nid 2 take a paybac time 4 him....... i 1 his exams get 0 marks...... hahahhahaha (evil laugh again, =.=)............. jz he deserves.......

Sunday, February 7, 2010

suckers in here........

high skul is totally noo good..... im very tirering after skul...... n my bro is totally sucks.......... grr......... no giv me play computer...... i 1 him 2 get 0 A's.... hahahahaha (evil laugh)......... how bad am i.... right? now 1 2 curse her bro 2 get 0 A's. curse he sucks. n nth 2 do about me cuz he deserve it. oh God, i 1 2 get my brother 2 get 0 A's here in UPSR. so, please desire my only hope for my brother n don't giv me any misfortune life n........ arigator gozaimasu. i better do lots of gud things after i curse my bro in a misfortune life when if i die...... i no nid 2 bcum a sorrowful ghost or souls.... i 1 2 go 2 heaven n live n married my 'prince'. heheheh... dats a gud idea i hav for the sucker boss.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

dis is weird......

dis is very very weird....... y my skul oways no homwork de(actually i finish at skul liao d). but som no finish lo..... even i do finish liao oso nth 2 do d.... so i go n watch bleach lo........ watch until ki siao liao...... i somtimes sms wif wei yan but no reply d..... i think she is very very busy lo...... 2day leh... go 2 di zi gui liao leh (i mean i go 2 di zi gui class) den go 2 mcd wif wei tong n her family (she oso go wif me as well n plus my family)... hehe.... eat til full... plus chatting..... hahahaha.......

Monday, January 18, 2010

pity 4 dem......

wuwuwuwu....... chung ling som students n teacher die lo........ cuz they all got dragon boat practice..... kesian lo..... so early die.... i jz now see advertisement in tv nya lo..... their parents cry lo........ sooooo pity........ i heard my mum say the dead student very clever 1 lo..... mor pity..... actually 2 dead d...... den 4 went missing....... den found 2 liao..... but dead d....... i hope they all live peacefully in the heaven lo...... god god or guan yin guan yin....... pls pls pls take care of them lo.....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

2day got koko

ai....... i mostly every day wake up early lo.... no gud d.... i hate lo..... i go 2 qoir lo... same as my primary skul.... hahaha..... but the worst thing is i hate som1 lo (not our primary skul de la).... hate her lo.... ma de.... i giv her a name call cakap banyak....... i am sooooo dao mei.... do u noe y..... same club... same beruniform... n same rumah....... she is sooo somting.... although she is sooo kawaii.... but i say her as ugly as a witch..... hahaha..... she smile dat time u 1 2 vomit oredi..... hate her nya..... oways talk talk talk..... worst dan celine lo..... compare celine 2 her .... i like celine lo.... n the most worst thing is she is in the same group wif me cuz there got soprano, alto, tenor n bass. i go 2 soprano lo n she is same wif me as well ==. hehehe...... now GB say if our attitude no gud leh.... he 1 2 tao tai liao...... since she sooo cakap banyak..... hehehe..... wait n see a gud movie......

Monday, January 11, 2010

i nid 2 say my life at my new skul.......

orientation day 2-1-2010 i go 2 dewan lo. traffic jam leh.... no gud d. den i saw a lot of ppl from different skul....... i sit on the floor at the dewan 2 hrs 30 min lo...... my leg 1 2 paralyzed liao la..... den we go home lo..... first day of skul ai.... sien lo....... nid early wake up liao.... no gud d. i morning class lo...... i 1 2 sleep liao la.... luckily our gt is sooooooo guuuud...... heheheh....... the gb said 2 the teacher don 1 giv 2 much homwok lo... if not we do until scared liao......heheheh 2nd day of skul feel very sleepy lo......... 3rd day of skul haizz......... 4th day of skul same as well 5th day of skul yoohoo........ 1235 off skul liao..... but nid 2 wait the form 4&5 student in the bus la........ boring lo....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

putting new songs again.......

i put the new songs again. sien lo...... i put bleach de song la, nice lo. here is an announcement... nom(song) 1 til 6 de song clik de video den u oly can watch wat happen.....hehe.....