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Friday, May 28, 2010

2day holiday.............YEAH..............

hohoho..... 2day wesak lo..... me jing ran so hapi.... xiao de me.... cuz my exam no over yet.... oso xiao lo.... watch one piece me canot stop..... i like it..... i like luffy, zoro n chopper..... som is secret lo.... if i say it out i can hai xiu 1 la^^...... go n find it by urself which 1 i like( i mean one piece de la )hehehehe...... i wish exam over quickly cuz after exam is holiday liao...... homwork..... but after holiday..... my nightmare start liao..... lots of homwork...... i wish i 1 go bac 2 primary skul lo...... altough got a lot of homwork la.... but very easy nya la.... do u noe y? primary skul de student very gud d.... not like 2ndary.... lots of fren oways say u d..... i wish i 1 got kong min pusat secondary skul..... eto....... those who agree d go n comment at my chatter box......

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


first day of exam 2nd term..... there was a miracle in me...... do u noe y? bcuz 2day i exam eng paper 2 summary i do b4 liao.... hehehehe..... it is all same....... 奇跡ね....... n eng paper 2 oso make me xiao cuz the essay i write 3 pgs half......... i think dis is my luck...... so i nid 2 thx god...... thx god... i think u 1 me 2 take A right? so i 1 2 ありがと 4 u.... 感谢亲爱的天神。。。。给我祝福和鼓励。。。。所以我必须感谢你。。。。天天祈祷。。。。感谢亲爱的地神。。。。把恶魔除掉。。。。为我快乐的长大。。。。我谢谢你。。。。感谢亲爱的菩萨们每天帮我喷水。。。。感谢亲爱的神佛。。。。天天看着我。。。。x3 (theme from 感谢) i think oly from sjkc kong min pusat oly can sing lo......

Saturday, May 22, 2010

ええええええいいいいいい!!!!!何これ!?出も。。。。私の影消えた。。。。。私。。。。私。。。。私。。。。ごめなさい。。。。 ほおおおおお。。。。可愛ですね。。。。有賀とございますね。。。。私。。。。私。。。。 す似ません?どこのときおですか?けこです。。。。。。。。。どま。

Thursday, May 20, 2010

about my character

i wish i could b an anime character lo..... but i 2 fat liao la... im a ppl hu oway 4got things d... hehehe.... gomeneh..... n i do things oso oways make careles mistake d.... duno y? is it my father last time like dat leh? n im very OVER confident.... so dat ppl say me im very jiao ao..... dis is oso my mistake, so i hope all of u can understand me..... wat r u doing human? im havin my mocktail snack, n i 1 u 2 shut up. plus, i hate ppl hu is very 10, a very mysterious character, a very baby-like character, oways disturb me de character. my fav type of character is a cool character, got watch anime d(same like me) n nice 2 talk wif me de character....... yellow!!!!!!!!! im sayin black no nid 2 'take care' of me cuz i noe everythingy pls. pls, pls, pls.... i hate it, do u noe y? u don think it is very annoying, isn't it? oways say dis say dat, i canot study ya noe? so.... mai kuan kuan ok.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

faded day....

2day we all got seni class..... i no bring cup 2 seni everyday cuz i got learn art... my art class no nid bring cup n cloth d.... so i ma bo bring lo....when i 1 2 use water dat time.... i nid 2 borrow from frez d ma.... den my hatred frez(sit near me d) got the water ma.... den sit beside me d(sit in front of her) oso no bring ma... so he borrow from her lo..... den i borrow from her dat time leh... she said.... wei, u 1 2 use dat time ask the cup owner 1st la.... i said..... den dis cup owner is who 1 ar? my bac de la.... sit bac of me d (got a bit hate me)....nex class d... yalo nex class d.... eh... is isnt funny....k? a no use prefect is no gud 4 me..... y sit bside of me de no nid ask the cup owner den y he can use leh? y i nid 2 ask? i wanna kil u..... i beh tahan liao.... don make unfair with me.... if not i make unfair with u.... is...... report 2 discipline teacher...... don guai me cuz dis is u zao cheng de.... not me, k? i wanna think a problem how 2 make u 2 respect me(not the respect)...... but i jz oly think 1 oly.... clever right? dis time exam im gonna win u bullshit....i better keep my blog from her 1st.... my 1st mu biao....... START!!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

wanna cry.....

boo hoo hoo...... som ppl of my class hate me la.... they say me i steam d..... i steam meh? jz a bit nya la..... my face look steam nya cuz i short hair ma.... long hair ma no look steam lo..... den oso talk ppl canot understand d oso say steam.... xiao d.... i hate go 2 secondary cuz if u do a bit wrong nya leh.... ur frez wil say u til xiao.... u don think she or he wil oways bother u de meh..... think im steam? hey gal, beter watch ur dirty mouth la... as a prefect don oways bully ppl la.... u make prefect is 4 ten nya hor? i wil report to discipline teacher lo, say u buli me i 1 u bcum a normal student like me den u canot buli me liao..... in ur mind, think im stupid, but im clever enough n im not steam, k? think properly la..... plus don oways say me bad words in front of me if not im going 2 knock ur fucking head off....... don oways make fun of me cuz im not gud at ppl was joking using me.... if not i wil angry liao..... bai tuo, bcum a prefect atittude beter than a normal students la.... bad de atitude i wil report 2 xiao zhang lo.... hehehe... don think i no kenal xiao zhang b4..... ppl use liquid y u no say them? i use liquid y u say me leh? liquid is not mine d, ok? very unfair ya'noe? im very angry of u..... face look steam but im a good student.... not like u... prefect oso buli ppl d...... now i rili rili hate u liao.... i canot fang guo ni..... i nid 2 report 2 the dicipline teacher..... a poem said(i create d):face look stupid but don look down at him, if u look down at him, u never think wat is he thinking about even u get lots of A's, somtimes they wil win u n u wil learn a lesson! (note:liquid is not 2 bring 2 my skul)